Friday, October 5, 2012

Facebook advert OJ1*

It's not just Apple products that need TV commercial to get their products out there, but social media Facebook has launched its first TV commercial! Not that Facebook needs anymore recognition and branding to gather more people.
But Mark Zuckerberg did, and with the help from an advertising agency in Portland; Wieden Kennedy they created a 90 second ad.
The ad pretty much tells us we NEED Facebook to be able to connect with other people.. is that brainwash? That Facebook is similar to chairs, bridges, basketball..
Here's the video..

If Facebook is trying to convince us we need it in our lives to communicate and connect with people, I think the world is relying just a bit too much on social media - which is a little but scary. Alas, I do have a Facebook and Twitter account that I religiously use for networking and sourcing news, there is no way I will replace my connectivity with my friends and family via these platforms. The memorabilia of physically seeing someone and being able to interact with them is irreplaceable.

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