Monday, September 24, 2012

technologically and fashionably green OJ1*

I've been learning about fashion sustainability this semester, and I can say that I am TRYING to shop less and wash less. Yes, you heard correct!

Shop less? to minimise my disposal waste of unwanted clothes - which means, buy less of the cheap stuff and more of the expensive, qualitative things.. aka. a Balenciaga Classic City bag instead of a $200 bag that I will be giving the kick in a year's time or so..
Wash less? as in not washing my clothes after EVERY wear! Because.. the most unsustainable part of a piece of garment is the use part! Not the manufacturing, or the distribution.. but the USE! My only exception is if I had spilt something on it and it's visible.
So, I am trying to be more eco-friendly with clothing and shopping.. now how about tech gadget goods?
Every month/year comes a new savvy gadget that I'll be lusting over. Best example is the Apple products with its yearly updates. I think my use for Apple products is a 2-year time period. But I don't want to be putting the unused gadgets in the trash or letting it sit in my drawers.
I know they have those cellphone recycle bins at Telstra and other phone places.. but it'd be awesome to get money back for recycling those items right? Just as if you are recycling bottle caps!

Who would not want instant cash? Decided that the Iphone 5 is not for you? Quickly stop by the Eco ATM and recycle the phone and instantly get $$$.. maybe to buy the Samsung SIII! Or you can automatically donate your cash-back to a charity of your choice. Talk about helping the environment AND others!
Take a look at this video

How simple? If only they had some in Australia now..

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